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Take a Quick Survey

OPLIN (Ohio Public Library Information Network is asking our patrons to take this short survey.  Public libraries have difficulty naming databases and digital media on their websites to make these resources easily accessible.

Friends of the Library Book Sale

The Friends of the Library will host their first book sale since 2019 on Thursday, June 24, Friday, June 25, and Saturday, June 26, 2021.  The book sale will be held in the basement during library hours – Thursday from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM, and Friday and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.  This will be a “$3.00 Bag Sale.”

The Secret of Quilts and the Underground Railroad via Zoom

Attendees at this program presented by Barbara A. Lyons, University of Mount Union and hosted by the PLUS libraries will learn how enslaved men and women made their escape to the Underground Railroad using encoded quilts to guide them.  Based on the book Hidden in Plain View by Jacqueline L. Tobin and Raymond Dobard, PhD.

The program will take place on Monday, May 17 at 6:30 PM via Zoom.  Registration is required in order to receive the Zoom link for the program.  Please call the library at 330-426-3778.

Storytime Kits Available

For the little ones who attend storytime programs, we have Storytime kits available.   Each kit contains a shaker egg, a storytime scarf, a bean bag, wrist bells, bubbles, and rhythm sticks.  With this kit, children can participate in virtual programs at home, and at in-person events, they will have their own supplies and will not need to share.