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Photograph of children's blocks
Stories, songs, rhymes, and playtime for children ages 6 months to 2 years with a parent or caregiver.   Please join in the fun while nurturing a love of books and reading with your baby.  Babytime will be offered on the following Wednesday mornings at 11:00 a.m. :

Weekly Storytime

Toddlertime for toddlers ages 2 to 3 years old and their parent or caregiver is offered on Mondays at 11:00 a.m.   Weekly programs begin Monday, August 29 and end Monday, December 5.

Preschool Storytime for children ages 3 to 5 years old is offered on Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m.  Weekly programs begin Tuesday, August 30 and end Tuesday, December 6.

Book Sale Donations

Photo of Book Sale books
In order to restock our shelves for the June Book Sale and Silent Auction, the Friends of the Library are requesting donations of books for children, tweens, and teens, as well as paperbacks for all ages.  Donations can be dropped off at the library during regular business hours.